House committee approves Lyme legislation to be added to federal program

WASHINGTON (NEWS10) – Legislation aimed at speeding the development and approval of treatments and cures will now include legislation designed to combat tick-borne illnesses.

Congressman Chris Gibson announced on Thursday the House Energy and Commerce Committee approved legislation he authored to combat Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses. The Tick-borne Disease Research Transparency and Accountability Act will be included in the 21st Century Cures Act, which expands federal programs designed to speed the development and approval of disease treatments and cures.

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The WLN is looking for new board members

The WLN is looking for new board members interested in moving this nonprofit organization forward.  It has been very challenging to find new board members and it is time for us to pass on our baton.  In order for the WLN to remain a viable nonprofit organization we need 5 board members to replace our current board per our by laws.  The current board would act as a back up to aide in this transition.  If you would be interested in moving the WLN forward please contact Kristin Collins, President via our patient email at